- Prelude: Theme of Metamorphoses / Oli Jan
- Metamorphoses Dance / Oli Jan
Midas - Seven Days A Week / Kinra
Alcyone & Ceyx - Monotony of Happiness / Kinra
Alcyone & Ceyx的主題。歌名取自旁白對他們兩人的描寫,繼承了上一段Midas的影子。
Alcyone & Ceyx - Ceyx's Death: Departure - Wreckage - Prayer / Kinra
Alcyone & Ceyx - Is This How You Return to Me? (Metamorphoses) / Kinra
Alcyone & Ceyx變成海鳥的場面。歌名取自Alcyone的台詞。
- Would Oh Would I Were A Kingfisher / Connie Lin
- Hunger / Oli Jan
- Phaeton / Thomas Wang
- Pomona & Vertumnus / Thomas Wang
- Myrrha & Cinyras - Dance / Thomas Wang
- Myrrha & Cinyras - Metamorphoses / Thomas Wang
- Orpheus & Eurydice / Oli Jan
- Orpheus & Eurydice - I Don't Know What Power Love Has Down Here / Oli Jan
Eros & Psyche - Searching in Darkness / Kinra
Eros & Psyche的主題。公演當時也是開演前的場內背景音樂。
Baucis & Philemon - Arboreal Dwelling / Kinra
Baucis & Philemon的主題。
Baucis & Philemon - Grand Transformation (Metamorphoses) / Kinra
Baucis & Philemon的家從破屋變成豪宅的場面。升級成城堡時代。
Baucis & Philemon - Farewell (Metamorphoses) / Kinra
Baucis & Philemon變成夫妻樹的場面。歌名取自他們最後的台詞。
- Finale: Theme of Metamorphoses / Oli Jan
"Kill the Goose!" / Kinra (feat. Suzanne Jen)
燈亮謝幕的配樂。來自Baucis & Philemon一幕中,Philemon的台詞。畢業公演劇組的內輪梗。